Stock Trader Dude

This is the page where I connect my investment themed art with the goings-on of the emotional distress individuals experience in the marketplace. Now available to collect as NFT.

As I explored what Wall Street had to offer me as a teenager, at least as far as being a salesperson, and had time visiting trading rooms and fielding investment questions from colleagues and contacts, I began to gather momentum for what moves me, the art of investment flow with the trials and tribulations that folks often experience on their given journey. I make art out of those uncomfortable experiences:

“Even when I win, I lose.”

Stock Trader Dude

…or something like this:

“Psychologically and emotionally, I’m hooked on shorting investments. It’s the biggest thrill watching something decrease in value and earning a reward.”

Stock Trader Dude

The investment art theme projects that I create are typically mixed media and smaller size. I like the advertising concepts, though it often leaves the interpretation open to an unhelpful investment education.

All the effort is made to get folks into a belief system about the value of equities, while stating performance is not indicative of the next period of returns – no dispute that the statement is accurate, however all the emphasis is on the cited return already part of the performance record, which is what most folks will make their decision on in a misguided effort from the start.